What is turmeric? Turmeric is a golden colored spice that is known for adding color, flavor, and nutritional benefits to foods. India has used turmeric as a natural plant medicine for thousands of years. Turmeric golden paste for your dog is an easy and natural way to add health benefits into their diet.

You can actually find turmeric in a few different forms.

Turmeric capsules are a convenient way to reap the benefits of this spice if you don’t care for the taste. But my dog does not take pills!

Powdered turmeric, which is what we have in our spice cabinets, is more well known for making sauces and adding to meats, veggies, and soups.

The Root is the freshest version and resembles ginger only it has a deep orange color.

The flavor of turmeric can be over-powering in larger amounts but your dog should not mind it in small doses. It’s better to give a small amount multiple times a day anyway because it leaves the body fairly quickly.

Unfortunately, just adding turmeric to your dog’s diet will not allow them to reap all the healthful benefits. Turmeric golden paste is made with black pepper and a healthy fat.

These two ingredients make the curcumin more bioavailable to the body. Black pepper contains piperine. Piperine can raise the bioavailability of the curcumin by 2000%. It’s very important to add a small amount of black pepper to your golden paste for this reason.

Benefits of Turmeric for Dogs

So what makes this spice so special?

When you feed your dog turmeric you are providing a natural anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and anti-viral. This little orange root is packed with healing power!

The compound curcumin is the main active ingredient in turmeric. Curcumin fights inflammation in the body and is a strong antioxidant. They say it can even fight and prevent cancer. Turmeric does all of this for humans so why not share this with man’s best friend?

Inflammation is pretty much the root of any disease. Not all inflammation is bad but chronic inflammation is a sure sign of a deeper problem. Inflammation becomes dangerous when it sticks around for months or even years.

Did you know arthritis can affect up to 80% of dogs over the age of eight years old? That’s a lot of dogs suffering silently with inflammation of the joints. This affects their mobility and decreases their overall comfort. No one wants this for their dog.

Turmeric, while fighting inflammation, helps ease the painful symptoms of arthritis. That’s why this is a daily supplement in Laila’s bowl. I’ve been supplementing her with turmeric, among other things, for several years now. At 10 years old she still gets the zoomies and has no problem jumping up on the couch.

Why You Should Give Your Dog Turmeric

Aside from helping with arthritis, there are many other reasons to supplement with turmeric:

  • Gastrointestinal Disorders – Leaky gut, inflammatory bowel disease.
  • Cancers
  • Skin Inflammation – Hot spots
  • Provides pain relief when given regularly
  • Supports the Immune System – antioxidant properties
  • Supports the Heart – blood thinning properites

Make sure to check with your holistic vet if your dog is on any meds or is currently being treated. Turmeric may interfere with chemotherapy drugs or blood clotting disorders.

Making Turmeric Golden Paste for Your Dog

What you will need…

  • 1/2 cup organic turmeric powder (Costco!)
  • 1 cup filtered or spring water
  • 1 1/2 tsp freshly ground black pepper
  • 1/4 cup organic olive, MCT oil or ghee*


  1. Mix the turmeric with 1 cup of water in a pan.
  2. Stir on medium-low heat for about 8 to 10 minutes.
  3. It will begin to thicken. If it gets too thick add more water 1tsp at a time.
  4. Be careful not to make it too watery. You can add a little more turmeric if necessary.
  5. Once it has reached your desired consistency add the pepper and fat of your choice.
  6. Allow the mixture to cool before pouring it into a jar.
  7. Store in the refrigerator for up to two weeks. 

Make a new batch about every two weeks or when you do other food prep for your dog. 

*If you use MCT oil, make sure it doesn’t have lauric acid.

How to Add Turmeric Golden Paste to Your Dog’s Meals

Like anything else you want to add new supplements and foods in small amounts. Then work your way up to the proper dose for your dog’s size. For small dogs start with a 1/4 teaspoon, 1/2 teaspoon for medium dogs and large dogs can start with a full teaspoon.

See how they do, watch for stomach upset. Lower the dose if needed. Laila is 55lbs and she gets 1 teaspoon twice daily with her meal. If your dog turns their nose up at the taste or smell mix in some bone broth or goat milk, something your dog enjoys.

There are just too many health benefits to not try turmeric golden paste for your dog. As with all supplements it’s important to remain consistent to see all the perks! Give it a try and let me know how it goes!

Wag on my friends.